Are you staying in Oregon with your kids for a while, or you perhaps live there?
Either way, I hope you went through the Oregon car seat laws and acquired the appropriate restraint system for your little one, became the last statistics available notes 50,099 car crashes there in 2018, while the year before, the numbers were even higher (57,726).
As frightening as these numbers sound, they do not always lead to fatal results or injuries.
In fact, most of the injuries that occur among children younger than fourteen in car crashes are preventable.
One crucial thing that may ensure your little one’s safety in traffic is the appropriate restraint system.
If you choose the right car seat, in accordance with your kid's age, weight and height, then install it correctly, you reduce the chance for injuries, even in cases of an accident, to the very minimum.
However, the regulations differ from one state to another, and hence today, we will cover the car seat laws in Oregon!
If you are looking for some other state, you can find it here.
Let's get started!
Oregon Car Seat Law

Oregon Car Seat Law implies that children must be restrained in child safety seats until they are at least forty pounds heavy or exceed the car seat’s weight and height limits.
It is important to note that child safety seats refer to rear-facing restraint systems and front-facing restraint systems, while booster seats are covered explicitly in the following provision.
1. Oregon Rear-facing Car Seats Law
According to Oregon Car Seat Law, children must ride in a rear-facing child restraint system until they turn two.
The weight is not specified in the provision covering rear-facing restraint systems, so we recommend following the manufacturer's instruction for the most accurate information.
2. Oregon Forward-facing Car Seats Law
It is not specified in the Oregon Car Seat Law when children should upgrade to a forward-facing child restraint system.
However, since it implies that children should remain in the rear-facing car seat until at least two, this is the official age when they can move to the forward-facing system.
You should keep your kid in this restraint system until they can no longer fit it.
3. Oregon Booster Seat Law

According to Oregon Car Seat Law, children over forty pounds who surpassed the upper limits of their forward-facing child restraint system should be secured in a booster seat.
What is more, they should remain in this restraint system until they reach 4'9" in height and turn eight.
4. Oregon Safety Belt Law
The Oregon Safety Belt Law requires all passengers in a vehicle to wear safety belts until all places equipped with safety belts are taken.
For more information on the significance of buckling up, watch this video made by the Oregon department of transportation.
When Can My Kiddo Sit in the Front Seat?
There is no specified provision prohibiting kids from sitting in the front seat.
However, child seats that are not specially manufactured to be installed in front of an airbag must be installed in the back seat.
Best nation practice advises parents to keep their kids in the back seat until they turn twelve.
The Penalties

For not complying with Oregon Car Seat Law and Safety Belt Law, the driver will be charged $115.
The Exceptions
The Oregon Car Seat Law does not refer to taxis.
You might be worried that you won't install the child restraint system correctly.
And, in fact, you should be thinking about it.
According to NHTSA, more than 70% of car seats are not installed correctly.
To make sure your child restraint system is installed is as it should be, you can find virtual assistance on the official NHTSA page where installment is explained in detail and demonstrated through videos.
You can also refer to the videos we found down below:
1. Rear-facing car seat installment
Checkpoints in Oregon
If you want to have your child restraint system checked to make sure you installed it correctly and safely for your little one, you can find a certified CPS technician following some of the links listed above:
Don't forget to register your child restraint system and make sure you're updated on recalls and possible changes.
Oregon is currently making appointments for education on car seat safety.
Contact them for more information on this number 503-899-2220.
If you wish to become a certified CPS technician yourself, you can check the national program for CPS technicians.
But, make sure to read our comprehensive article before to get familiar with the basics and learn more about the program itself.
Additional Information

Even though each state in the US has its laws and regulations regarding car seats, the American Academy of Pediatrics provides the official recommendations each parent should follow.
Even though you can upgrade your kid from one stage of child restraint to the next at a certain age, you should always try to keep your kid in each car seat for as long as possible.
Manufacturers provide the weight and height limits for each car seat, and it is the best national practice to keep your kid in that car seat until he/she exceeds the limits provided by the manufacturer.
According to the AAP, rear-facing car seats are the safest child restraint systems, and, therefore, it is of the highest importance to keep your kids seated in this restraint system precisely for as long as possible.
Never install a car restraint system in the front seat.
Airbags are life threats to children restrained in the front seat in case of accidents.
For more useful advice on how to fly with your infant, check out this article of ours.
Furthermore, in case you didn't know, many organizations throughout the country provide free car seats to those in need.
If you want to get on the program, or simply learn more about it, go through this comprehensive article.
Final Thoughts
Parenting is the most fulfilling role we all get to play in our lives.
Nothing is more beautiful than nurturing a human being from the day of his/her birth to maturity.
Yet, sometimes, our negligence and irresponsibility can lead to a series of unfortunate events we cannot control.
Living a life of regret is no one's dream; therefore, be smart!
Children are the most vulnerable participants in traffic, and they cannot take care of themselves.
It is the parents' duty to provide a safe environment and make sure kids are correctly and securely restrained.
If properly set, child restraint systems can prevent most of the injuries that can be caused by car crashes.
Be responsible, think your trips through, make sure you bring everything your child needs, and follow the Oregon car seat laws!
Have fun in Oregon!