As a parent, one of the most important things you can do to keep your little ones safe and secure is to outfit them with a proper car seat.
But even after finding the perfect car seat for your child, there's still an element that may be overlooked: correctly adjusting the crotch buckle every time you use it.
The correct crotch buckle placement of this harness not only gives kids critical protection in case of an accident but also keeps them comfortable on those long road trips.
Keep reading for our updated guide to understanding basic safety guidelines and where to position the important crotch buckle!
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Positioning a crotch buckle on a child's car seat
If you want to find additional information about when and how to position a crotch buckle on car seats correctly, refer to the guide below. We will explain everything in detail.
1. What is a car seat crotch buckle?

A car seat buckle is a large buckle that the harness clicks into in your child's car seat. It is designed to provide the best possible protection for the child and should be positioned as close to the child as possible without being too tight or uncomfortable.
The crotch strap may be adjusted to a longer length if the webbing appears too short or tight on your child.
2. What does the crotch buckle do?
The purpose of the buckle on a car seat is to help keep your child secure in their seat. In addition, the buckle helps keep the child from sliding out and provides additional protection. It also helps to adjust the strap length to fit comfortably on your child without being too tight or loose.
Additionally, some car seats have multiple locations for the crotch buckle to accommodate different weight ranges. Finally, some car safety seats may have a small cloth between the crotch strap and infant retainer clip to provide extra comfort for infants with preterm or low birth weight.
3. Where do you position the buckle on rear-facing car seats?
The position of the crotch buckle on a rear-facing car seat should be as close to the child's body as possible without being uncomfortable. Ensuring the buckle is not too tight or loose and correctly positioned for optimal protection is important.
The crotch strap may be adjusted to the longer length if it appears that the webbing is either too short or too tight on your child. Additionally, some car seats have two positions for the crotch buckle, one closer to the child's body and one farther away.
4. Where do you place the crotch buckle for the forward-facing child?
When placing a crotch buckle on a forward-facing car seat, the strap should be adjusted to the longer length and the outer crotch strap slot for most forward-facing children. The crotch buckle should be placed at or in front of the child's crotch area.
Using the closest position to the child is vital without being too tight. The purpose of the crotch buckle is to prevent your child from slouching down in the seat and potentially strangling on the chest clip.
5. When to move the crotch buckle on the car seat?
When to move a crotch buckle on a car seat depends on the child's weight, age, and forward-facing vs. rear-facing. Typically, for infants under twelve months of age, the crotch buckle should always be in the innermost slot. And, if there are no empty slots in the area where your child's legs are, you will probably only have one buckle.
For older children, it is essential to adjust the crotch strap to the longer length and outermost slot for most forward-facing children. It is also crucial that the crotch strap is at or in front of the child's crotch area.
6. How to adjust the harness and the buckle?

Parents must ensure the buckle is adjusted correctly on the seat and there is not a buckling mistake to make sure their child is buckled properly.
The buckle must ensure the shoulder straps work correctly to cover the child's shoulders and keep them safe on the road. The chest clip should also provide harness straps to adequately protect the child's legs.
Children should move their body parts freely, but the harness position should be correct to prevent slipping away and keep kids safe in the crash. You must check if there is a huge gap between the harness straps and the child's body, if the shoulder straps might fall off, and if the clip is correctly snug.
When the strap is too tight, the webbing will be uncomfortable for kids, and they won't be able to move properly. In addition, a short buckle will push on the child's groin. It's essential to avoid the buckle and strap being underneath their groin. So, you might loosen the straps to ensure the proper clip and webbing positions.
On the other hand, if there is too much gap between the child and the straps, the slot will be problematic for rear-facing babies and children with health issues. In addition, it will allow room for their bum to slide forward, creating a chin-to-chest head slump.
For this reason, you must check if your crotch strap is closest to your child, but it shouldn't be underneath your child. So, the manufacturer will note how to lift the buckle and the straps to ensure the best position.
There will be correct features for the loosened or snug straps, age, weight, tall or short height, and forward or rear-facing position to keep your children safe in the crash.
You can also watch various videos for more details and more options HERE.
Where should the crotch buckle be on the car seat?
The best position of the seat crotch buckle is to place the crotch strap closest to the child but never underneath the child.
How to adjust the crotch buckle on UPPABaby Mesa?
Adjusting the crotch buckle on an UPPABaby Mesa is a simple process. To begin, make sure the buckle is in the slot closest to your child. If your kiddo is over 35 lbs, you may need to move the buckle to the other slot.
Next, loosen the harness by pressing the red release button at the top of the seat. Finally, pull up or down on the head support to set it in the correct position at or just above your child's shoulders.
Finally, adjust the straps to be snug and secure around your child's body without being too tight.
The crotch buckle should be positioned appropriately to ensure your child's safety and comfort. With rear-facing children, the harness should be at or below their shoulders.
For forward-facing children, the harness should be at or above their shoulders. Proper crotch buckle placement will help keep your kiddo secure in their car seat and comfortable for the ride.