If you're looking for the best car seats for your children, you're at the right place.
We will compare the two leading car seat brands: Maxi Cosi and Nuna.
Both brands are exceptional in all critical points all parents search for: safety standards, convenience, comfort, price tags, etc.
But, we can only have one winner. So, who's better?
Let's find out in this Maxi Cosi vs Nuna review.
Table of Contents
- Maxi Cosi vs Nuna: The Final Countdown!
- Nuna Brand: Pros and Cons
- Maxi Cosi Brand: Pros and Cons
- FAQs
- Is a Nuna car seat better than Maxi Cosi?
- What is so good about Nuna?
- Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which has a better infant car seat?
- Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which has a better travel system?
- Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which has a better all-in-one car seat?
- Maxi Cosi Rodifix vs Nuna Aace: Which is better?
- Maxi Cosi Pria all in one vs Nuna Rava: Which is better?
- Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which car seat has the higher safety rating?
- Maxi Cosi vs Nuna: What's Your Best Pick?
Maxi Cosi vs Nuna: The Final Countdown!
1. Design and specifications
Both Maxi Cosi and Nuna brands offer all car seats for your kids. In addition, you can select wide varieties and series to find the best solutions.
However, we've picked some most prominent models to help you narrow your search. So, you can find:
- best infant car seats - Nuna PIPA and Maxi Cosi Mico 30 rear-facing infant car seats
- best convertible car seats - Nuna RAVA and Maxi Cosi Pria forward-facing convertible car seats
- best booster seats - Nuna AACE and Maxi Cosi Rodi Sport booster car seats.
As you see, there are multiple options for you to choose from, but the two most popular seats are the Nuna RAVA and Maxi Cosi Pria convertible car seats.
The convertible car seats are the number #1 for many parents, as they offer two (all) modes of use:
- rear-facing infant car seat for kids 4 (5) - 40 (50) pounds
- forward-facing convertible car seat for kiddos 22-65 pounds
- seat belt-positioning booster car seat for children up to 100 pounds of maximum weight limit.
The main difference between the Maxi Cosi and Nuna models is that the first comes with all-in-one car seat modes, while the Nuna is limited to only two positions.
However, Nuna offers the extended rear-facing mode meeting and complying with all NHTSA and AAP safety standards, while Maxi Cosi doesn't have such standards.
But, parents love the Maxi Cosi models, as they might be the only car seats you will ever need.
In addition, the Maxi Cosi models are bulkier and broader than the Nuna car seats, with measurements of 34.49 x 20 x 30.47 inches and weighing 22.4 pounds.
The Nuna convertible car seat weighs 27.2 pounds, which is way too robust for a convertible car seat, yet it offers a narrow design - 16 x 19 x 25.2-31 inches.
Nuna models fit three across and might be more convenient to install, especially for grandparents.
But, both brands will make your life super easy so I will leave the ultimate choice to you. If you want an all-in-one car seat, go for Maxi Cosi.
If you need your child to ride rear-facing longer, go for Nuna. But, Maxi Cosi has a more significant height limit and weight limit.

Source: YouTube.com
2. Safety features
Nuna Rava is the best convertible car seat, as many safety experts and multiple standardized sites confirm.
However, Maxi Cosi has recently been praised for being the safest convertible car seat on the market. So, it's pretty challenging to pick the best convertible car seat. But, let's try.
Both convertible car seats are safe and secure. Otherwise, they won't be available. These are the safest convertible car seats you can ask for.
The convertible car seats meet and comply with all FMVSS, NHTSA, IIHS, and similar safety standards.
In addition, they have the best safety features to protect your child as your baby grows.
First, both convertible car seats have multiple layers of side-impact protection.
The Nuna convertible car seat uses the EPS energy-absorbing foam and the steel frame that give bonus points and show notable features for the safest rides.
On the other hand, the Maxi Cosi convertible car seat is one of the safest car seats, thanks to the advanced GCell advanced safety technology.
The system features added safety, keeping your child's head and other crucial body parts in side-impact crashes.
Of course, the EPS energy-absorbing foam only increases side-impact protection for your babies and growing children, so it makes life easier for all parents.
So, it overpasses most car seats, and due to better quality, I vote for the Maxi Cosi convertible car seats.
Many convertible car seats offer regular side-impact protection, but as our competitors offer more options and better quality, it might be hard to pick the better seat.
The brands come with the anti-rebound bar that will serve as additional protection in rear and frontal crashes and keep your child safe and sound on the road.
You can remove it when using the convertible car seat when using car seat forward-facing (and booster in Maxi Cosi).
Maxi Cosi and Nuna are also similar in the five-point harness system.
Both car seat brands use the no-rethread harness straps with multiple adjustments to help you place and carry your baby around effortlessly.
So, the harness will add more stability and protect your babies better. And this is a crucial benefit for a growing family.
You can pick a better solution based on your babies' needs, yet I would like the Maxi Cosi convertible car seat due to the advanced safety standards and GCell technology.
3. Car seat installation
Here we notice a notable difference between the Maxi Cosi and Nuna car seats.
The Maxi Cosi brand offers the LATCH system as the primary setup method. It is good, but not that great. Why?
The LATCH system will be impossible to set up in the vehicle without the LATCH gear and attachments.
It also might be too complex for the newbies, as you must correctly place the LATCH strap and ensure the parts are not twisted.
It can be installed with the seat belt system, but the manufacturer suggests LATCH for more convenience, although I'm not sure about it.
On the other hand, the Nuna convertible car seat uses the seat belt as the primary setup method, and you can quickly get it installed in the single back row with the other two seats.
If you have a more prominent family, your babies will enjoy a comfortable ride for the ultimate road fun!
The SimplySecure Installation offers:
a. muscle-free construction - True Tension doors for the best fit in the car
b. hassle-free setup - suitable for parents, grandparents, and other older caregivers
c. bubble-free positions - recline angles offer the best riding options for your baby.
You can still get your car seat installed with the LATCH technology, but to avoid complications, the Nuna manufacturer suggests the seat belt system as the primary option.
So, this time my vote goes to Nuna, as it's a super-convenient convertible car seat.
4. Comfort and convenience benefits
Parents always choose super-easy car seats to use, practical and convenient to fit their vehicle and move around quickly.
Carrying around might be an issue as both models are too bulky and robust for easy movements between the cars, and Nuna weighs even more than Maxi Cosi.
But, light car seats won't offer as much stability as needed in crashes. So, you want a bulkier seat, believe me.
Nuna uses five recline positions, whereas Maxi Cosi has only three.
You can adjust the infant's rear-facing car seat to fit your little one, and if your baby falls asleep, the rear-facing car seat offers the most comfortable ride. So your baby can enjoy it more.
The lead back legroom in the Nuna car seat also offers two additional inches for the rear-facing baby, and longer and extra support for the forward-facing growing baby.
You will also find the removable infant inserts to use or remove with the growing baby and adjust the support to fit your kiddo.
And the crotch buckle offers two positions for maximum comfort, following the height and weight limit of your baby.
However, the Maxi Cosi car seat provides three positions of the crotch buckle and nine positions of the no-rethread harness.
But, the Nuna models offer ten harness and headrest positions for a bigger height limit.
Again I prefer Nuna more than Maxi Cosi in these terms, as it's a comfier car seat for your baby.
Besides, Nuna offers better materials and content due to chemical-free, non-flame-retardant materials, so it's both user and eco-friendly.
Maxi Cosi uses the same materials but is not as improved as in Nuna.
Also, the built-in ventilation panels will keep your baby calm, relaxed, cool, and unpressured in the car seat.
Maxi Cosi also offers moisture-wicking fabric for a warmer climate. However, the moisture-wicking fabric is not as advanced as the Nuna quality, so it would be better to pick Nuna.
5. Extra features

Source: YouTube.com
Note that cup holders are necessary for long-distance trips, especially if you have cranky kids.
Thus, the manufacturers considered moms first and placed two cup holders in both competitors.
The cup holders are removable and easily washable if your kids are too messy and dirty, and you can clean and maintain them regularly.
However, the Nuna seat has foldable cup holders that provide extra room for other seats once installed in cars. So, it might be more convenient.
But, Maxi Cosi is also ideal for additional benefits and features the same standards, so there's not much difference between the two. So you can pick either brand.
6. Cleaning and maintenance
Fortunately, both brands offer machine-washable content and covers.
You can quickly wash and maintain them for maximum convenience and freshness unless the instruction manual states differently.
Ensure you read the care instructions carefully to find all details regarding the cleaning and maintenance process.
7. Travel-friendly brands
You should note that both brands offer strollers. The strollers are part of the top baby gear so that you can create your ideal travel system - jogging, twin double, single, triple models, etc.
However, our two representatives are convertible seats. Therefore, they cannot fit any stroller. Only rear-facing car seats can attach to a corresponding stroller from the same or different brand.
You can find the car seat stroller combos and compatibility list to see if the rear-facing seats match your needs. But, first, you will need an excellent seat adapter.
Regarding the seat models and cars, the competitors are not that travel-friendly. However, note that both seat models are heavy and robust.
They are ideal for everyday errands and more extended installation, but not quite for moving around more vehicles so quickly. So, you must think twice before setting off on an adventure.
But what if you decide to travel across the ocean? Hmm, let's see.
Fortunately, the Nuna seat is FAA approved. You will find the label stating it's usable for motor vehicles and aircraft at the back of the seat or somewhere near the bottom part.
The same goes for the Maxi Cosi seat. It is also an FAA-approved model, but only when used in rear-facing and forward-facing harness mode.
The airlines do not allow booster car seats on the plane, so you cannot use the belt-positioning booster on the plane, only in the transport part.
Please note all details and contact your airlines to check all regulations before carrying your seat to the airport to avoid complications.
8. Budget-friendly brands
Are Nuna and Maxi Cosi budget-friendly? Umm, yes and no. It depends on whether you're on a tight budget or not.
Nuna is a luxury brand, and its seats cost around $500, while the Maxi Cosi models cost about $300.
You will get an all-in-one car seat for less money and won't have to pay extra money for the booster later. That's why I prefer Maxi Cosi more than Nuna.
But, if you want a higher-end unit, go with Nuna.
Nuna Brand: Pros and Cons
- Maximum safety features
- The quickest installation
- Convenient for grandparents and older caregivers
- Adjustable and cozy for long distances
- Secure base for rear-facing seats in crashes
- Ventilated for more comfort
- Too expensive
- Might not be compatible with some vehicles
- The harness might be too complex for newbies
- Rear-facing canopies may be flimsy for some units
Maxi Cosi Brand: Pros and Cons
- For older kids
- Matching with multiple vehicles
- Comfy and adjustable for various positions
- Following your kid's development and growth
- Versatile and durable
- Quick to clean and maintain
- Not suitable for vehicles without LATCH attachments
- Not for newborns
- The harness might be too tough to tighten
Is a Nuna car seat better than Maxi Cosi?
In some factors yes, in others no. For instance, it fits newborns, while Maxi Cosi doesn't. In addition, it offers better comfort features than Maxi Cosi and, overall, the extended rear-facing position.
However, Maxi Cosi uses advanced GCell protection technology for kids, so that it might be more advanced than Nuna. And, you get all-in-one seats for less money.
Note all differences to pick the best option.
What is so good about Nuna?

Source: YouTube.com
Everything is good about Nuna. It offers maximum comfort, advanced safety standards, and travel-friendly car seats, and it's quick to clean and maintain for ultimate convenience.
However, the quality matches the price, but it's not that pocket-friendly car set brand. So, you may choose other options that offer similar features for less money.
Maxi Cosi is one of the competitors, so check it out.
Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which has a better infant car seat?
Nuna is undoubtedly a better option. It offered a more advanced installation due to TrueLock technology, Aeroflex foam, and developed multiple SIP layers to keep your little one safe and sound on the road.
Also, Nuna supports a more weight limit - of 32 pounds, while Maxi Cosi supports 30 pounds. And its base is also more advanced than Maxi Cosi's.
Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which has a better travel system?
Both brands offer unique travel systems with multiple infant seats so that you can pick the best option for your convenience.
You can check the market and find the best solution for your needs - jogging, single, twin, double, and similar stroller types in both brands.
Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which has a better all-in-one car seat?
Nuna has a slightly better all-in-one seat due to the extended rear position, the Aeroflex SIP, and a narrower design that fits three across.
Maxi Cosi is a bit wider, so it may not fit more seats at the vehicle's back. So, Nuna is more convenient.
Maxi Cosi Rodifix vs Nuna Aace: Which is better?
The Nuna AACE might be a slightly better seat as it supports more weight.
In addition, it offers more recline options, and it features a 3D growth system that provides maximum comfort to your growing child.
Maxi Cosi Pria all in one vs Nuna Rava: Which is better?
Both seats are exceptional in all crucial factors. However, Nuna has a slight advantage in comfort, installation part, and overall design due to the extended rear mode.
Bur, the Pria model, is an all-in-one model with multiple modes for less money, advanced SIP, and overall security standards.
So, it might be more advantageous in these terms.
Nuna vs Maxi Cosi: Which car seat has the higher safety rating?
According to numerous security experts, Graco seats have the ultimate safety ratings.
However, Maxi Cosi is just below them, in the second or third place, depending on multiple factors.
For this reason, Maxi Cosi has an overall higher security standard and rating than Nuna.
Maxi Cosi vs Nuna: What's Your Best Pick?
That's it, folks. Who do you choose? Nuna or Maxi Cosi?
I'm also in a problem, as both brands are extraordinary with numerous benefits. And many of them comply with all parent-child necessities.
But, Maxi Cosi has better security ratings than Nuna, and it's more affordable. But let me know once you pick the best seat. I'm waiting for you!